When Lou and I first started our business, bridal shows were one of the main ways to market your wedding services and get out in front of your ideal audience.
While this gave us exposure and allowed us to talk with some couples and make connections at first, we didn’t have a solid plan for what to do after the bridal show was done.
Sure, we could send an email, but what would the email say, and would they even open it? Plus, we noticed that couples wouldn’t give their best emails when registering for the show.
One of the things we did was partner with a resort brand and host Caribbean Nights. At the bridal show, we would personally invite the couples to the event and let them know the benefits of attending.
Essentially, this was our backstage pass invitation, and we would share the benefits of attending the Caribbean Night and also let them know that space was limited.
Think about it, have you ever been invited to something and it made you feel special? Have you ever not been invited to something and it made you sad and wondering why you weren’t invited?
People love feeling included. So, what are some ways that you can extend invitations to your wedding clients to increase engagement, inclusiveness as well as make them feel like a VIP?
- Before they become your clients, you can invite them to
- A special event
- A complimentary chat or consultation
- A Facebook or Instagram Live
- Q&A session
- Meet & greet
- Facebook Group
- Virtual cocktail party
You can also invite them to:
- Download your complimentary guide
- Read your blog post
- Follow you on Facebook or Instagram
- Send you a DM
- Leave a comment
- Work with you
- Once they become your clients, the invitations become even more inclusive as you invite them to
- Schedule their first chat/on-boarding session with you
- Get VIP access to guides, tips, and tools they receive from working with you
- Save your direct contact information
- Connect with you on social media
- Make a social media post and tag you – sort of like what you see bridal shops do with the “She said yes to the dress!” signs.

- Do you have something in place for after your client works with you?
Here are a few ideas of things you can invite them to:
- Be part of your referral program
- Leave a review of your services
- Be featured on your blog
- Join your newsletter list
- Let’s talk about ways that we can make our wedding clients feel like VIPs
- Call them before their big day to congratulate them and let them know you are thinking of them
- Sign their registry
- Send them a bridal shower gift or wedding gift
- Send them a handwritten thank you note
- Send them a wow box
- Send them birthday or anniversary card

Through the years, I’ve developed great relationships with my clients because I was intentional about inviting them into my life. I would let them know of things going on in my family or upcoming events or trips I was looking forward to. It’s important to remind people that in working with you, they are supporting a real family.
As I had conversations with my clients, I would take note of things they would mention so I could refer to it next time I talk to them. For example, if they are buying a house or getting a new pet, changing jobs, moving, or starting a family.
I encourage you to have something in place for every stage of your relationship with your clients.
Treating one client like a rock star VIP, who will sing your praises and tell others about you, is the best marketing tactic you can implement in your wedding business.
Pro tip: if you become Facebook friends with your clients and see that they are celebrating a milestone or just achieved something, send them a card! Little touch points like this remind them of you and that your relationship is more than just a transaction.
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