Have you ever had a vision board? I have done several throughout the years and find that it keeps me focused and reminds me of why I do what I do.
For me, my vision board is filled with goals; like hosting a conference for destination wedding planners, as well as needs; like a new roof for our home and wants; like remodeling my office. I also have several scriptures to remind me of God’s promises for my life. 💖

As business owners, we have to lead the charge and we can’t do that without being clear on our vision.
Ultimately, vision is the purpose of our business and the results of us building and growing it.
Much like my vision board that has one main scripture on it: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33)”, my vision board is a representation of what will happen when I keep my eyes on my main vision and objective.
Often times it is easy to get distracted and off track, following ideas or opportunities only to find out that they don’t align with our overall values and original intent. We have to keep the main thing the main thing and then everything else will fall into place. 👆
What I encourage you to do is take some time to really think about what it is that you genuinely want to impact.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What benefit or outcome do you want others to have as a result of doing business with you?
- How do you want your business to impact your community?
- How can the results of you pursuing your dreams help others?
The purpose of our business is always about other people and how their lives can be transformed or impacted.
We all have different callings and passions. That is something that is God ordained. Business is a way to fulfill something greater than ourselves. As we focus on that, all the rest of our needs, wants and hopes will naturally be fulfilled once we take the next step and that is the execution.
The vision is the “what” and the execution is the “how”
In order to see your vision come to pass, you need to act on it and that requires a strategy or blueprint that you can follow to execute and implement. I believe this is why our 20K System & Toolkit has been such a blessing for over 100 planners, because it gives the blueprint of what to implement and takes the guess work out of it. 😍
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