8 Ways to Create Engagement in Your Facebook Group or Business Page

engagement facebook group

Let’s face it, the name of the game to get the Facebook algorithm to promote your Facebook group or page is a dirty word called… ENGAGEMENT!


It is well known that Facebook uses engagement in your group and on your page to decide if your page and group are worth pushing out to other like-minded wedding couples who may benefit from what your page or group offers.

So the more engagement going on in your Facebook group or on your business page, the more Facebook pushes your stuff out to potential wedding couples to find your business!   

Today, we will be talking about ways to create engagement within your Facebook group, and on your page, because the more engagement that is going on in your groups & pages, the more Facebook will show your group to more of your ideal audience in their own feed and in the suggested groups section! 

The two most important engagements Facebook cares about are:

So, let’s look at 8 ways you can create engagement in your wedding or travel Facebook group!


Stay on Topic

Your members joined your group based on the name of your group. So, don’t stray from your topic. Give them content related to the theme of your group.



Always ask for some type of interaction at the end of your posts. Such as, “Thoughts?” Or “Comment below and let me know if you agree or disagree.”


Ask Questions in Your Group

“How many of you are planning a 2022 destination wedding?” Or “Are you afraid of the COVID-19 protocols interfering with your wedding?”


Welcome New Members

Send a personal private message to a new member after they get approved to join the group. Say something like, “Hey! I just approved your request to join our group. Please feel free to make a post, ask a question, and introduce yourself.”


Use Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes

These should be easy & quick to answer. It keeps your members hooked and actively engaging in the group. But make it easy, not “work”. For example, you could do an image poll where you show a bride’s feet in the sand and post, “Are you a toes in the sand type of bride?” Choose Yes or No.


Ask a variety of question types

Can be answered in a “YES” or “NO”

Questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no.

“What do you like about planning your destination wedding?”
“What do you hate about planning your destination wedding?”

Show a pic like a bride’s feet in the sand and ask, ”Are you a toes in the sand kind of bride?”

Like, “Do you think everyone should take a COVID test before traveling?”

“What is your favorite resort brand?”
“Where is your bucket list travel spot?” 


Post Quotes & Photo Quotes

Use inspirational and thought provoking quotes in your groups that create a response or discussion.


Do Facebook Lives

The more you show up authentically in your group, the more couples will know, like, and trust you to plan their wedding, honeymoon, or next vacation.

Well, there you have it! Start using a variety of these engagement techniques in your Facebook groups and on your business page every week and watch your Facebook engagement & audience grow!

If you would like to learn more about how to create engagements on your Facebook Group, check out the latest video Lou & I did on ways to create engagement in your travel or wedding facebook group now! 👇

If you’d like to participate in our live discussions, we’d love to have you! You can join our Facebook community for Destination Wedding pros here! 👇

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