You may not be aware that the word “pearls” is used in conjunction with wisdom. If you didn’t, now you know! I have to say that I love pearls. I never realized how much I liked them until I went to Bora Bora where they have the Tahitian Pearl. OMG! The most valuable Tahitian pearls are dark in nature and some have a blue/green hue, others more of a purple hue, others are black and all them have a beautiful opal iridescence and are one of a kind. No two pearls are exactly alike, even if they look similar. Different shapes, sizes, colors and variations. I think that speaks volumes in how I see people and how I want everyone to shine in their uniqueness.
As an identical twin, I spent most of my life associated with another person. That was what I knew, it was my normal. When we both went to different colleges after high school, for the first time in my life I was just Tami. Wow! This revelation dawned on me about two months into my first semester when I was talking with someone about my sister and they were like, “you have a twin?!!” proceeded by tons of questions that everyone ALWAYS asks…”do you feel each other’s pain, do you know when she is sad or happy, can you read each other’s thoughts” etc. While my sister and I are identical and our voices sound a lot alike, we are both a different “hue” and a different shape. We were both designed and set apart for our own purpose, calling and destiny.
On my new blog, I want to share my pearls regarding destination wedding insights, strategy, marketing tips, working from home, goal setting etc. So, it will be a variety of wisdom, that’s for sure. But deep down, I really want to share myself, my heart and my thoughts. Why? Because I actually believe I have some skills, knowledge, revelation and routines that can help others, and my goal is to help you! My goal is to see you live your life to its fullest potential and see you step into your uniqueness.
Beautifully written! You continue to share your pearls of wisdom with so many! I am so thankful for you!
Thank you so much! I am grateful for God’s faithfulness in my life!
God has shown me two very different signs this cold wintery morning. I did not go searching. I almost did not click bc I AM supposed to be up & getting ready for my 1st day back as a substitute teacher.
I’ll pray & tune in shortly. Your faith, your writing style & God led me to write to you.
I’m seeking…God knows.
Luxe Dream Travels
Hey Sherry, Just follow whatever God tells you to do. Get confirmation with Godly people in your life you trust who also know God’s word well, so that they can support you.